hey! aspiring EMT


Forum Crew Member
Hi, my name's Jesse, i'm a 21 year old male living in edmonton alberta Canada. The past few years of my life have been a roller coaster, joined the army at 19, worked as a porter at a hospital, backpacked europe, and now I'm working in the oil industry in the booming economy of alberta Canada. At first I enjoyed making the big bucks, but I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things.... I'm tired of working out of town for months at a time, making money doing something I don't believe in, helping to destroy the world and making some greedy corporate slob tens of millions more money. I realized that money isn't what makes the world go round, I mean it helps, but you don't need tons of it to be happy.

So... I'm enrolled in school to become an EMT-A (american equivilant is EMT-B I believe) starting march 5th... I write this as I'm in a camp working on a pipeline just on the border of the northwest terroritories... Its COLD here!! almost -40 today! Plus my job is devoid of meaning, satisfaction, and well... I'm sick of being away from home...

I've lurked on this website for awhile now, devouring information and experiences from people on this web, I'm really excited about going to school, I'm really excited about doing my practicum... And I don't care about taking the pay cut... I think having a career as an EMT would be awsome, the more I read about the calls some of you guys have had, the good and the bad, I get so excited thinking about my future... I'm working in a camp right now, the days are long, I'm working about 84 hours a week, this is my last stint on the pipelines trying to save up enough money to pay for my school and to be able to make rent and all that jazz.... So I think about being an EMT every day, it gets me through the tough spots....

anyways, just wanted to say hi =)


Forum Lieutenant
Welcome aboard what will probably be the wildest ride of your life!


Forum Deputy Chief
welcome to the suck.

wait...your getting into ems to get away from meaningless work that only serves to make your bosses rich while you suffer with long hard days with crappy pay, little or no down time, mental anguish and crappy work conditions.

hell, im moving to canada. i guess up there, being an emt is a good job..