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Hello everyone! I am currently researching my options on going through EMT training or entering nursing school. I am leaning toward becoming an EMT.

This is something that I have been working through for some time. I lost my husband in April '06. I wanted to jump into nursing school right then but figured I may not be thinking clearly. I lost my husband rather suddenly (to some it is sudden to other it is not). He went into the hospital March 24th '06 with Pneumonia and was diagnosed with Leukemia (we had no idea about this). On the 29th he went in to respiratory arrest and was rushed to the ICU. Well long story short in the end the Leukemia ran wild while the doctors were battling the Pneumonia. He passed April 18th '06.

The nurses of the ICU thought I was a nurse, because of how I would explain the medical procedures and all the medications he was on our family members. They were very shocked to find out I was not in the medical field and urged that I do so.

Well, here I am thinking more clearly and ready to make informed decisions as to what I want to do from here. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry, I can be quite long winded sometimes. I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday.


First of all, I am sorry about your loss. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my wife.

On another note, welcome to EMTLife!! The people here are some of the best on the net!
Sorry about your loss.
Welcome to EMTlife (the funny farm)
No matter which you chose good luck with it. Of course I would say go the Paramedic route.
welcome to our corner of dysfunction where we put the FUN in dysFUNctional... Sorry about your loss I know sorry wont bring him back, but if you ever need to vent we are all one big happy family here

oh I have to post the rules

1)WOmen are always right here

2)if your a guy (we know your not) and think your right when arguing with a woman see rule 1

3)dont feed Jon thats my job heh
I am very sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is never easy to deal with. This group here is dysfunctional, but fun loving and they are great to talk to.

No matter what you choose, just know, the end result is the same: you are helping others.

God Bless...
Welcome to EMTLife, I think you'll love everyone here!!
I'm very sorry for your loss, I cant even imagine what that would be like. Both careers are amazing if you like helping people! Good luck on your decision, whatever it may be
Thanks everyone for your condolences. Yes, the loss is hard but I have a great bunch of friends helping me get through it.

LOL, Disfunctional huh. That is the second time I have heard that today. I told a police officer friend of my decision. He said that I was either crazy or disfunctional to want to work in the trenches with them. However, he did say he thought I would make a great EMT. I have always thought myself to be a bit of a wild child and unorthodox at times, though. I guess that kind of all rolls together.
Welcome to the tribe! Have you looked into any EMT programs yet?:)
thank you Airwaygoddess.

I have looked into a few in my area. I have a police officer friend who is checking into them for me too. He is has found a program at the hospital in his zone; he really wants me to check that one out. I have found a local college that has a training program.
Have you spoken to any folks that work the ambulace or fire service about these two programs about what they think or like about them?:)
First - I'm sorry for your loss.

As for EMT vs. Paramedic vs. Nurse.

If you actually want to MAKE MONEY - be a nurse :).

Before you get set one way or another... look into riding along with your local ambulance service... I know Pittsburg has some volunteer programs in the suburbs... also, Pittsburg City EMS is supposed to be a VERY good system... but I don't know if they do ride-alongs.

Also... see if the hospital has a "follow a nurse" program for those who are intrested in nursing... you might be the oldest one there (everyone else is in high school) but it might give you a broader perspective of the RN's side of life.
The only one i have spoken with is my cop friend. However that is a good idea that I talk to ambulance personnel and/or fire service. I did a bit more poking on the hospital program and it turns out that the hospital program is affiliated with the college one.

Although I do have a lot of questions about the training programs and prerequisites required. The application does not say much but what did catch my eye is that the program was created for Ambulance/EMS personnel. I am not either yet. This concerns me.

Then again it is all done in baby steps, right. I have to learn to walk before I can run, lol.
I didn't think checking into a ride along. Honestly I didn't think they had that here in PA. I will look into that. Thank you.