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Hi! I am a spanish physician (family medicine physician). I have been working in ER and in ambulances in Spain (we do not have paramedics so, there is always a doc in the ambulance). Now, my wife is coming to the USA for two years and I am coming with her. As it is very difficult to work as a doctor here, I have thought about working as a EMT/Paramedic.

Anybody can tell me if is possible?

Do I need any course or exam?

Thank you for your help
You'll have to challenge the paramedic exam for whatever state you will be staying/working in, or challenge the NREMT-P exam if that state is a National Regisrty state.
So, if I pass the test, I´ll be certified as a paramedic?

Thank you very much
I suggest you contact medical directors of nearby EMS systems, and see if paramedic certification can be expedited. No doubt your knowledge greatly exceeds the content of any US paramedic curriculum.
I suggest you contact medical directors of nearby EMS systems, and see if paramedic certification can be expedited. No doubt your knowledge greatly exceeds the content of any US paramedic curriculum.
beyond this I'd look into seeing if you can get liscensed here. If not as a medical doctor then perhaps a physicians assistance. The pay will be better and will reflect your education better.
I suspect if you have experience working as an M.D. in the back of an ambulance it will NOT help you attain paramedic certification here. Paramedic is often regulated County by County, you have no formal paramedic-oriented training nor have you ever been evaluated within an American system.

I suspect you'll have to start from scratch, and to be honest with you, it's because no one in these systems will want you working in the back of an ambulance until they are SURE you're not going to act like a Doctor.

i Dos Centavos mio; pero buena suerte !
Copied from my reply over at EMTCity.

The requirements and licensure for EMTs and paramedics in the US falls to the individual states, including issues of reciprocity. Some states allow licensed health care providers such as physicians and registered nurses to essentially just take the test for that level, others don't allow any professional reciprocity, and the rest falls somewhere in between. Of course, an important note is that these require current licensure, which may be an issue for you. My suggestion would be to contact both the state medical board to see if they are willing to license you as a physician, and if you want to follow the route of going into EMS, contact the state EMS board or agency and see if they are willing to work with you.
Thank you all!
JPINFV, I have to pay you 2 beers, one for each forum!