Help finding EMT-Basic Job


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I graduated in Dec. of last year. I have been searching for so many jobs, anywhere. It's such a flooded market where I live in Florida. I've been trying to network. I volunteer at the Fire Department and get experience there, but I cant find work anywhere. Any suggestions? Thanks.
I'm in the same boat here in Southern California. There are about 60 applicants for every EMT job right now. All I can say is keep your head up and be persistent. For me, every time I get an interview (even when I don't get the job) it's a little boost in confidence. One day at a time.
True, and at least you get experience being interviewed. There is just not many positions here. thanks for the encouragement. keep me posted on your progress. How much do emt's start at there?
Oh, Guys, it's not just California and Florida. I'm an experienced paramedic and I'm getting laid off by October in favor of hospital based paramedic leasing. Apparently it's cheaper. In the meantime I've been looking and haven't found a job yet so I can jump ship before I am laid off.

York Pennsylvania, about 2 hours west of Philadelphia.

I feel your pain and hope you find something soon.

Maybe the entire country is saturated with EMS workers.
I feel your pain to man. We had a Paramedic lay off about 2 years ago. Jobs open up in the area now from time to time but there are so many applicants with more experience its difficult to land one as a newer medic. I work part time and its not paying the bills. I am relocating soon... I just wish I did not wait 2 years to do it.
I dont know if you have any interest in the fire side, but i used to live in Virginia, and on the coast they will pick you up as a medic. they are in great need of them. big jump from oregon tho.
Where do you live in Florida? There's a few jobs in Central Florida
Not that i'm in a position to be picky, but id like to find something prn.