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new to the forums
little about myself
23 y/o M paramedic student, currently certified as Intermediate and I am from Portland Oregon. some hobbys include online gaming, keeping an aquarium and starting to become a hockey fan.
Welcome to our dysfunctional home on the web.


Welcome and beware...the rib poking in here can be quite interesting, but most of the time its informative too. I guess this means I'm not the new guy anymore too! WOOHOO! I have advanced to bottom feeder status! :D
Wise Medic Said:
Air goes in and out. Blood goes 'round and 'round. Any variation on this is a very bad thing.


The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer(s) / Companies or the organization(s) through which I access the Internet

With all the legal jargon at the end of Jon's posts I feel like I am buying a third hand salvage rebuilt ambulance from McCoy Miller.

WARNING you have arrived on a sight with a bunch of hornball women sarcastic men and all around great group.....Im the welcome commitees clown/annoyance/cutiepie/biatch heh... good to have another member

beware Princess' twenty questions...they are coming
:D :D Welcome!!:D :D
FFEMT1764 said:
The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer(s) / Companies or the organization(s) through which I access the Internet

With all the legal jargon at the end of Jon's posts I feel like I am buying a third hand salvage rebuilt ambulance from McCoy Miller.

The joys of occasionally posting from work at an investment firm.

I've got mandatory text at the bottom of my posts. :embaressed_smile:
Investment firm, is that like a slick stock broker who gets rich will you the stockholder goes broke?
Welcome aboard schulz!Pull up a chair and stay a while!

But just remember: Bware of JON!!! BWAHAHA!

FFEMT1764 said:
Investment firm, is that like a slick stock broker who gets rich will you the stockholder goes broke?

Well, at least not me.... I'm an outside contracted security officer. I get paid crap to run around like an idiot when folks hold the doors open.

MedicStudentJon said:

Well, at least not me.... I'm an outside contracted security officer. I get paid crap to run around like an idiot when folks hold the doors open.


(needed atleast 10 characters...couldnt just put "haha")
Welcome to the group, sit back, chat & enjoy our strange little family.:whatchutalkingabout :D
MedicStudentJon said:

Well, at least not me.... I'm an outside contracted security officer. I get paid crap to run around like an idiot when folks hold the doors open.


Oh no, a rent a cop! Run for the hills!:P
FFEMT1764 said:
Oh no, a rent a cop! Run for the hills!:P
TTLWHKR - I need to go find your smilies with attitude.
Jons a rent a cop *DIES laughing*

okay okay *wipes a tear* On a serious note here

do not feed Jon
Do not egg him on
He does bite
Oh and remember

Men May Rule the Roost..... But us women Rule the Rooster...
Welcome! You are here at your own risk!!
Um ok since we have ended up talking about chickens I was wondering, what came first the chicken or the egg??
the chicken...havent you ever heard of evolution? *grins*
Evolution huh, isnt that why a bunch of teachers in this state lost theirs jobs? Or was that revolution they were teaching....