Hello To Everyone


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I just registered to become a member of this forum and I thought I would just say "Hi" to everyone.

I just took my NREMT exam for my "B" today and like I have read from nearly everyone else here on this site with their exam........"what the heck is this" ? It shut me down after about 76 questions and said you are now finished. I guess I will wait until Monday to find out my results (or later).

I agree with one of the posts I read on this site and that is that the instructors need to tell the students what to expect when they take the NR test. It was nothing like the tests I received in my class and as far as I'm concerned the test generator (software) that was used for my classroom tests was worthless, or close to it.

I have to thank this forum for preparing me for my NR test as much as anything. Reading all of the posts gave me a visualization of what to expect. I was still in shock and awe when I was taking my test but without this forum and being somewhat prepared by all of your good posts I would have prepared totally the wrong way. Thanks everyone.
Welcome to EMTlife.

Good Luck with your NREMT-B exam, hopefully you'll have the result soon.
You'll have to let us know how you get on!
I have a good friend that is from Kansas (EMT FF), on this site as well.

Cheers Enjoynz

Thanks for the welcome enjoynz. I hope to have my results tomorrow. We will see how it goes.
Just remember that if YOU are caught giving questions, or answers to other candidates that are from the NREMT exam, they can revoke your NREMT and withold you from being an EMT, which I'm quiet sure would most definently also affect your state EMT license as well.

Be careful with what you do when you help others; which is also what the instructors have to look out for.

As you stated, the NREMT is dynamically presented to the candidates based on their performance on previous questions, etc. It's probably a very slim chance that the next person would receive the same question as you, but then again it may happen.

The best thing you can do to prepare yourself for the NREMT (I know it's too late now) is to study your textbook, whether AAOS, or Brady, or some other published textbook -- study it.

If you rely only on your instructor(s), and knowledge covered in your EMT Course by listening to lectures to pass the NREMT, and become a well-rounded EMT, you may want to re-evaluate that decision.

Study, study, study; when you think you are sick of studying, study just a little bit more. Then go take a coffee break, and study some more :) lol -- maybe a little overboard, but I cant stress enough how important it is to study yourself (as in, not relying on the instructor(s) lectures).