Have you ever been called for a kid's loose tooth?


Dances with Patients
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My oldest daughter is losing a tooth, and it's just killing me! I'm SO not a tooth person, teeth and toenails just bring me to my gagging point.

My husband is at work, and for some reason just *refuses* to ask for emergency annual leave. :wacko:

So, I'm halfway considering calling the ambulance. I mean, I can see what might motivate a less informed person to call an ambulance. Dentists don't come out for this, do they?

Off to do the bad deed, and yank the poor dear's tooth out. It's the 3rd tooth this week at our house, and we're not even to the peak of tooth pulling in the house yet. She's the oldest at 8 yo, and there are 4 more behind her.
As a matter of fact yes.

Have you ever been called to get a little boys foreskin loose from his pants zipper?:o
As a matter of fact yes.

Have you ever been called to get a little boys foreskin loose from his pants zipper?:o

It wasn't a little boy's foreskin that I learned how to open a stuck zipper on. He was at least 40, woefully drunk, and hurt too bad to care much that we were a couple of girls liberating his penis.
It wasn't a little boy's foreskin that I learned how to open a stuck zipper on. He was at least 40, woefully drunk, and hurt too bad to care much that we were a couple of girls liberating his penis.

I'm not a male, but if I were, I'd be thinking "thank God for morphine."

I would rather be a female getting called to that then to have any man get called to do that. It's got to be super psychologically painful for the man.

As for the tooth, I'm lucky, my kid just ripped his own out. There is a certain incentive when the tooth fairy is paying $20 a pop. Perks of having grandparents that live to spoil. All I ever got were silver dollars. B)
I'm not a male, but if I were, I'd be thinking "thank God for morphine."

I would rather be a female getting called to that then to have any man get called to do that. It's got to be super psychologically painful for the man.

As for the tooth, I'm lucky, my kid just ripped his own out. There is a certain incentive when the tooth fairy is paying $20 a pop. Perks of having grandparents that live to spoil. All I ever got were silver dollars. B)

Dang. Tooth fairy is bringing *2* Sacajawea dollars for the self-pulled tooth. We're cheap. It's been an expensive week around here.
Why are you pulling their teeth out anyway? Let those puppies stay put until junior pulls them out himself. Mine wiggle and wag them and eventually get sick of it and yank them on their own and I shoo them to the restroom to clean their own faces up. I'm a lazy mom that way. That and my own parents made it hurt WAY too bad if I let them touch my teeth so I got into the habit of yanking them before they knew they were loose. Seriously, they will come out. Just let nature take its course.
Why are you pulling their teeth out anyway? Let those puppies stay put until junior pulls them out himself. Mine wiggle and wag them and eventually get sick of it and yank them on their own and I shoo them to the restroom to clean their own faces up. I'm a lazy mom that way. That and my own parents made it hurt WAY too bad if I let them touch my teeth so I got into the habit of yanking them before they knew they were loose. Seriously, they will come out. Just let nature take its course.

My front teeth came out naturally when I slammed my face on a concrete floor when I tripped because I was running after my parents told me to stop running. If I remember correctly, it hurt so bad that the thought of having any of my other teeth fall out was traumatizing. I really do not know how I survived childhood. I'm such a pain wimp.B)
No I have not been called for that, but I have had someone walk in to our station and ask if we could give there dog a rabie shot