Got Hired on 3 companys


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I recently got hired on a paid disaster relief/ transport/ 911 service. Is just doing a majority of transfers okay for a new guy also I Want to be a paramedic someday but how would i work my self up. 2 company's im part time with the other is prn
Yes, transfers are okay. The things you learn in paramedic school are still fairly basic, and some people successfully complete paramedic school without any experience in the field (outside of what is require for school ie clinicals and field internship). Although people have successfully completed paramedic school without any experience, whether you should or shouldn't do this has been massively debated many times, and it seems to be an issue that we are split on.
Just want to add to the last post. Transfers are okay also because if you take interest in them, you can learn and gain some valuable experience. There are times where I have learned more from transfers/IFT than from 911.