Goodies for Peds..

We have oxygen bears for blow-by.
Alternatively, kids are usually fascinated by penlights.

If you only have nitrile gloves, you can make balloons by tying the opening first, and then cut off a portion of the thumb and inflate it there.
Let em play with the pulse ox. They like the red light, the 'clippy' thing, and the beeping it makes since the sensor isn't picking up anything.
Beanie babies...usually have 3-4 for them on the rig to choose from.
I have given my penlights to kids before, but was told to do so no more...or else the dept won't replace mine for free. (whoopdie doo...what's a couple of bucks?)

I'll have to try the pulse ox next time...good idea.
Beanie babies...usually have 3-4 for them on the rig to choose from.
I have given my penlights to kids before, but was told to do so no more...or else the dept won't replace mine for free. (whoopdie doo...what's a couple of bucks?)

I'll have to try the pulse ox next time...good idea.

If your department can't afford a couple of bucks to give something to the kids, you might want to start looking for another job because money is so tight, layoffs are inevitable.
If your department can't afford a couple of bucks to give something to the kids, you might want to start looking for another job because money is so tight, layoffs are inevitable.

I think my LT was mad because I would always take his first to give the kids...then give him mine and ask him for a replacement...Just to piss him off.
We used to carry stuffed animals, but no longer do because our medical director states they are unsanitary

We no longer inflate gloves. Had a doctor from CHOP do a class on pediatric emergencies and he had info that showed that the number one item children choke and die in is....balloons
Fortunately, poison control will tell you the stuff is nontoxic and nothing to worry about. The worst thing that will happen is they might get a mild upset stomach if it was a really large glow stick, or they ate multiple ones. (Been there, done that, got the SOR.)

Does the peroxide still come in a glass capsule inside the tube....
Does the peroxide still come in a glass capsule inside the tube....

I believe it does, but as soon as it's broken, the 2 H2O2 decomposes spontaneously to carbon dioxide and O2.. (I'm sure someone with more chemistry than me can/will correct me) But I believe that decomposition into 2 H2O and O2 is what excites the dye and makes it glow.

There's more than one decomposition reaction, thermal is one and catalytic is another.. I don't recall the other kinds..
I'm a newbie but I know just from dealing with my friends kids - they love pen lights!
I believe it does, but as soon as it's broken, the 2 H2O2 decomposes spontaneously to carbon dioxide and O2.. (I'm sure someone with more chemistry than me can/will correct me) But I believe that decomposition into 2 H2O and O2 is what excites the dye and makes it glow.

There's more than one decomposition reaction, thermal is one and catalytic is another.. I don't recall the other kinds..

Yeah, but there's broken glass in there?
Yeah, but there's broken glass in there?

Yea, yea... and penlights easily unscrew for access to batteries.. Stuffed toys can have buttons and eyeballs that can be ingested. Oximeters have a cord that they can wrap around their necks.. Like abcmom said, 100% supervised 100% of the time.. If a child is left alone long enough to gain access, there's some really big issues with care..
I was thinking about the citation of opening the glowstick and putting the fluid in one's mouth.

We used to inflate a XL surgical glove with an otoscope tip in it, can "play golf" making the tip go into the fingers. Or tie the four fingers, invert it, tie the writs shut, inflate through the thumb...very bouncy irregular ball.
I was thinking about the citation of opening the glowstick and putting the fluid in one's mouth.

We used to inflate a XL surgical glove with an otoscope tip in it, can "play golf" making the tip go into the fingers. Or tie the four fingers, invert it, tie the writs shut, inflate through the thumb...very bouncy irregular ball.

this might be easier if you tie all 5 fingers and just inflate from the wrist?
The department I'm on doesn't provide toys for kids, but sometimes one of the responders has a small toy with them to distract the kids.

I once took the small flashlight off my keyring to let a kid play with it on the way to the hospital. Since then I've learned a couple simple 'magic' tricks that can be done with things like rubber bands or small objects that I now keep in my jacket pocket, just in cast I'm involved in transporting a kid that could use a little entertainment.