Gonna miss him!!!


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As you all may know I work for a BLS transport service. Just recently we lost a patient (he wasn't with us when he passed, he was in the hospital.) He was a great old guy who loved the ladies. First time I met him i was taking his Hx when a nurse from his nursing home walked past, he held up his finger as she walked passed so i would stop talking. When she was out of hearing range he turned to me and stated in the most serious tone he could have at 6 a.m. "now that is one h*ll of a body". He was one of those old smart *ss people you couldnt help but to look forward to seeing.
If any of you have a frequent pt that you like or have grown to care about, I would love to hear about them... I am not one who usually gets attached to patients but every now and then there is one .
This is going to be a great thread. I'm looking forward to reading some good stories. Thanks for creatingthis one medicp94dao, I had a good chuckle.
Watch them grow up.

I vollied for a town corps and over time you would run into the same patients several times in a year. Not too unusual for elderly patients.However... I had one patient I first met when she was 12. The call came in as a difficulty breathing and when arrived on scene we discovered this preteen complaining of breathing problems. Examine of pt. showed a very red throat as the cause of her breathing problems. We transported and left it at that, I thought. Over the next 3 years she was treated for...falling off the jungle gym and a possible fracture arm (no), fell down the steps in school and broke her elbow, foot was stepped on while playing 1st base resulting in a possible fracture (no) and was once taken from school for abdominal pains. (growing pains as it turned out). The one true condition she had was not discovered until she was 18, she had a hole in her heart, between the 2 atriums.
The company I work for transports a lot of Dialysis pt's. One of these pt's lives in a house where there are 7-9 stairs. Every day whichever crew is assigned to her has to bring in the stairchair, strap her in, bring her down the stairs(she is about 275 lbs.) t/f her to cot and then put her in the ambu. This happens Mon, Wed and Fri. Bringing her back up the stairs is even more fun!!!! She is an 88 yo really sweet lady who LOVES Perry Mason, so I am thinking of pricing the first season of Perry Mason on DVD as a Christmas gift.
Have to get ready for work now actually. Have fun, stay safe!
I have had quite a few folks that I have cared for over the years, I often refer to these patients when I am teaching at the college. They have passed on though the years, but they helped me to become a better EMT! -_-
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