Glucagon vs IV Dextrose

I wouldn't call it neglect, but if a patient can talk, they can swallow.

Its not as black and white as this

What about someone who is GCS 9 E2V3M4 making inappropriate verbal/speech

Would you give them oral glucose still?

Not that cost ever changes how we treat.....but did you guys know that a single vial of glucagon costs around $65.00?

I am the medication guru at my service so I know all the costs of this stuff.

Crazy, huh?

We have a brittle diabetic who has no veins and he has this window of lethargic behavior just before he gets really combative. He usually gets glucagon. Big dude, well-nourished, skin like leather up to his armpits. As soon as he is alert enough, I feed him a peanut butter sandwich.

Oral glucose is surprisingly expensive as well!
Have his family keep cake icing in a tube at hand. Cheap, effective. Tastes better than the oral glucose (have you ever tried it?)
Oh yes, I've definitely done the icing trick. In this particular case, that will involve the family actually giving a c$%p about the patient.
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