ok so recently i had a transport for a guy who fell down some stairs,the paramedics and myself(emt) on scene took full spinal precautions and boarded the guy. all went well and done to the letter of the law. my only problem was time was against me for filling out the paper work on him as the emergency room was only 5-8 minutes away from our location and our patient care reports are huge. so i got all the important stuff down and his hx and my clinical findings and some baseline vitals just as im filling out the next section we arrive and the driver opens up the back doors. i asked for a few minutes to complete the form and berfore i knew it we were rolling him into the hospital, done a hand over assisted the recieving doc get him onto a trolly and got him to sign the end of the report for handover.
drove back to base and the medic took the report to check it over for me and called me in to the room and had a good ''chat'' with me about the papwer work. My defence was all the important stuff was was filled out bar the tiny little section that has time depart scene and time arrive at hospital (i think there for national statisics) now i will put my hand up and admit i should have written them down but in the heat of the moment i didnt have a watch and wasnt going to take my phone out infront of the patient and his family to record the time.
does anyone else feel really pushed for time in the back of the ambulance to get everything done in a real short space of time, i suppiose im just writing all this out to clear my own mind but id like to hear your experences and has it happened to you before?
ive learned my lesson and next time i will make sure i have a watch to write down the times.
**edit** just adding something extra here the first aid/responce crew that attended him there before we got to him never got a hx to hand over to us, so i had to start from scratch.
drove back to base and the medic took the report to check it over for me and called me in to the room and had a good ''chat'' with me about the papwer work. My defence was all the important stuff was was filled out bar the tiny little section that has time depart scene and time arrive at hospital (i think there for national statisics) now i will put my hand up and admit i should have written them down but in the heat of the moment i didnt have a watch and wasnt going to take my phone out infront of the patient and his family to record the time.
does anyone else feel really pushed for time in the back of the ambulance to get everything done in a real short space of time, i suppiose im just writing all this out to clear my own mind but id like to hear your experences and has it happened to you before?
ive learned my lesson and next time i will make sure i have a watch to write down the times.
**edit** just adding something extra here the first aid/responce crew that attended him there before we got to him never got a hx to hand over to us, so i had to start from scratch.