Full time paramedic study habits


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I wanted to get some comments from some full-time medics as far as how you stay on top of everything. Some emergencies are seen more often than others but what about that one you may see only once very couple of months? Do you just read up on your protocols regularly? Get out your paramedic books and brush over things after work, while at home?

I am confident, but don't want to be stupidly confident, that if I am not 100% sure then I need to double check.
I work in three separate counties, so I have to attend ConEd/Base Station meetings three times a month. Between those, and the occasional review of stuff I'm foggy on in the Marieb book, I feel like I'm staying on top of it.
I look at protocols regularly, but haven't opened up an introductory paramedic text since, well, class ended. There are much better sources to expand your knowledge rather than rehash what you already know.
I pay attention to my patients and research based on my curiosity. I also (silently) listen critically to other people tell their stories and put myself in those situations and check my decision making. Very little real learning in life comes from a textbook.
i pay attention to my patients and research based on my curiosity. I also (silently) listen critically to other people tell their stories and put myself in those situations and check my decision making. Very little real learning in life comes from a textbook.

You should be going through your protocols thoroughly at least once a month. Since you're full time take 10 min of your shift and read through a protocol, next shift, read another protocol. Otherwise, read some more advanced books. Review your A&P (get a college level A&P book). Journal articles. Go to a conference, your service will be providing some cont. ed I would assume. Lots of the extra learning and reviewing is to be done on your own. As was mentioned before, stay away from your medic school books. Time to move onto bigger and better things.
Personally I use a bit of everything. I have an entire bookshelf full of different medical resources, texts, journals, guides, etc. I also use my patients as a springboard to research things. Another thing I have used since I was a EMT-basic student was to come up with scenerios in my head and then work through them, both simple and extremely far fetched. If I come up against something where I am not sure what I would do if faced with that situation; I'll read, research, ask questions, etc till I feel confident I could handle the situation.

Personally I think the real hurdle is the drive to better yourself and the want to further your education. If you have that drive, you will find ways that help you stay on top of things.
Brown broke out his Marieb book for a bit of casual reading a while ago, and its been most helpful.

Paramedic study habits could almost be the feature of an Animal Planet documentary Brown thinks ....