Full time EMT-B course?


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Hello from rural South Dakota. We have a few guys that would like to join our department (Iroquois Ambulance) They have a month or so available this winter that they would like to use and take their Emt-B training. The most full time class we have in South Dakota is in Sioux Falls, three days a week, 8 hours a day. They are currently planning on taking that. However since they plan on renting an apartment there for that time, they would like to find a class that is more full time. 5 days/week, 8 hours/day or something like that. Does anyone know of a class like that in your area? They checked out the two week (boot camp) class in California but that seemed a bit too high paced and expensive for what they and we are looking for. Will need to be a National Registry rated course. Thanks for your input and feel free to ask any questions you might have. We are trying to help these guys out as we could really use the extra help on our department. Thanks again.
Funny you ask about that... there is a guy that just posted something similar. I'd check it out.. i dont know his location because i really stopped reading his posts after he ignored peoples questions, but i'd look below in previous threads. There are some accelerated programs out there.
Well well. I seemed to have missed that thread.Been looking on here for a while and not ran across it so finally figured I'd start a thread with my exact situation. I've seen several threads were guys have said how long it took them to finish their course. Guess I could start pm-ing them and ask if those programs still running. If anyone can point me to a similar thread on here I would appreciate it. Thanks again

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Thanks Remeber343, I guess that is a little more accelerated than I was looking for. Was thinking a bit more like a month total. Guess the 8hrs/day 5days/wk. does come out to about two weeks tho. The focus wasn't so much on getting done as soon as possible as much as the thought of if they are going for the sole purpose of learning to be EMTs might as well do it every day. Maybe the best thing would be to just go with the three day a week course and see if they could do ride-alongs or something several of their in between days.

Before it starts a giant argument about jamming providers through an accelerated course.