Flow Rates

TKO, I have converted more pts from lethal dysrhythmias with O2, vagals, or fluid than with IV drugs and electricity.
What I've been taught is as follows:

36 L/M Vent C-PAP or biPAP @ 50 L/M

2-6 L/M NC

15 L/M NRB

15 L/M BVM
TKO, I have converted more pts from lethal dysrhythmias with O2, vagals, or fluid than with IV drugs and electricity.


Still, everyone wants to go in there with an IV in the arm and get the ED to sign their PCRs for the meds they gave.

I just had a chest pain call and my pt couldn't do ASA and no nitro. She refused Entonox for pain relief. My partner started her on high-flow 02 (NRB) and I left her there. She said the pain was going away about 10 minutes later. I went for an IV but no luck there. Got to the big H and the triage nurse asked me why I had her off the 02 (just from the back of the truck to a bed) and I said she was satting at 100% with no SOB or further pain complaint and no acute distress (I could have put her on the portable, but where was the need for 3 minutes?). The next nurse asked why I had her on high-flow. I explained that I couldn't do anything else for her so the high-flow was what I had left and it worked just fine.

And usually does. Why go down to a nasal? Why maintain the chest pain when high flow can often alleviate it?

Oxygen, baby! It'll save your life. :D