Still, everyone wants to go in there with an IV in the arm and get the ED to sign their PCRs for the meds they gave.
I just had a chest pain call and my pt couldn't do ASA and no nitro. She refused Entonox for pain relief. My partner started her on high-flow 02 (NRB) and I left her there. She said the pain was going away about 10 minutes later. I went for an IV but no luck there. Got to the big H and the triage nurse asked me why I had her off the 02 (just from the back of the truck to a bed) and I said she was satting at 100% with no SOB or further pain complaint and no acute distress (I could have put her on the portable, but where was the need for 3 minutes?). The next nurse asked why I had her on high-flow. I explained that I couldn't do anything else for her so the high-flow was what I had left and it worked just fine.
And usually does. Why go down to a nasal? Why maintain the chest pain when high flow can often alleviate it?