First job as an EMT-B


Forum Ride Along
As this is my first post I will give a little info about myself. I'm 19 and a new NR-EMT-B as of last month. I also became a volunteer firefighter for my home-town last week. A while ago I got laid off from a quality control position and after that I was just coasting on unemployment until I decided to go to EMT school. I am still jobless and I'm thinking it would be a good idea to get some in-the-field EMT experience if I'm going to want to become a firefighter.

The overall question to this post is what do employers such as AMR and "sometown EMS" think of brand new EMTs when they go to an interview? I'm so worried that I do get hired and then I'm on the bus with this other EMT and I have no clue what I'm doing (I passed my practicals 100% but, I really don't think I can take a BP on a stranger that well, if accurately at all.) I've never driven an ambulance before and I don't know how I would back one in. It's apparent to me that I will probably get some type of training before i'm put in the field but, I guess I need someone to reassure me that there WILL be. I would like to know how everyone else felt when they first started out as an EMT. Tips? Anything would be appreciated.


Forum Chief
Keep in mind a lot of private companies will not want to hire someone under 21 due to insurance purposes. In some places it's under 23.


Forum Probie
I'll assume you'll be running medical calls with the VFD. If so, that's going to be great experience that you can take to an interview. Jump in and get your hands on the patients. Get practice taking vital signs on every patient, even if it's already been done or doesn't really need to be done. Get your FF driver's license and drive all the equipment you can get your hands on. If your VFD runs an ambulance, as ours does, drive it! Even if it's not on a call. Just drive it whenever you can. Try to arrange some ride-alongs with the local ambulance service. The company I work for (in addition to my being on two VFD's) has ride-alongs all the time. We even let the ride-alongs help if they are EMT's. G'luck!


Forum Ride Along
Thanks for the reply s guys, The main reason I joined to the VFD was to get some experience They have an Emergency-Rescue truck but, we only get calls for fire related emergencies.