Finally pursuing my dream


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After 3 semesters of attending a large University, I finally came to the conclusion it's not for me. After waiting 4 years (why it took so long is another story) I am enrolling in a Paramedic/Firefighter program. I have a couple of years to go, but I am happy to finally pursue my dream. Is anyone else in a similar situation as far as 4 year college not working out? If anyone has some tips for someone just starting, I would love to hear them! I know this thread doesn't have a very specific subject, but I thought I would share the news with all of you. I don't post often, but I read frequently.
I left a 4 year university 8 classes shy of a bachelors in Computer science last spring.

I took my EMT course in the fall, and am now in the entrance process for the Medic program. Ive never been happier.........I wish I had done this sooner though cause my student loans wont like EMT pay
Paramedic class is stupid easy. The textbooks are written so a third grader could understand them and the tests are written to the lowest common denominator. No matter how easy class seems to you remember that at some point someones life will depend on your ability to recall the fine print on page 504 of your text book.

Yes I'm posting that from experience, I did not take class that seriously while I was in because it was so easy. I spent a long time and still am trying to study my *** off to pick up on everything that I skimped on during class. Luckily I have not had any severe instances of poor outcomes for my patients because of this but that doesn't mean it can't or won't happen, it just means it hasn't happened yet.
I left a 4 year university 8 classes shy of a bachelors in Computer science last spring.

I took my EMT course in the fall, and am now in the entrance process for the Medic program. Ive never been happier.........I wish I had done this sooner though cause my student loans wont like EMT pay
no offense, but your making stupid decision. if you are 8 classes shy, than finish your degree. otherwise, all your other classes are pretty much a waste. finish your degree, even if you have to part time, esp if you are 75% of the way done. this way when you get your paramedic, and decide to move up in the ranks, you will have a bachelors, and when you want to become a big boss, you are closer to getting the masters degree that most EMS agencies want for their administrators.

btw, I have my degree (Bachelors in Information Studies and History), and work in a field that has nothing to do with my degree. but at least I have something to show for being 100,000 in debt, instead of being 80,000 in debt with nothing to show for it.
Well I didn't travel the same road as you but can give advice from a firefighting engineer and medic student. If you are going to FF route I would suggest finding a volunteer fire department asap. The experience and free education is priceless. I've been a volunteer firefighter for 2 years and just got promoted to engineer. I've only been EMT certified for 5 months and feel confident in my medic program. Without working as an EMT first I wad apprehensive going straight into medic school but the patient care and call experience through the FD really helped.
no offense, but your making stupid decision. if you are 8 classes shy, than finish your degree. otherwise, all your other classes are pretty much a waste. finish your degree, even if you have to part time, esp if you are 75% of the way done. this way when you get your paramedic, and decide to move up in the ranks, you will have a bachelors, and when you want to become a big boss, you are closer to getting the masters degree that most EMS agencies want for their administrators.

btw, I have my degree (Bachelors in Information Studies and History), and work in a field that has nothing to do with my degree. but at least I have something to show for being 100,000 in debt, instead of being 80,000 in debt with nothing to show for it.

Im going to finish it. But Im going to finish Medic first. With the way the classes are set up It would take me 2 years to finish those classes while working EMS. Im not willing to wait that long to start Medic classes.