Fat-busting laser revolutionises treatment for acne and cellulite


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Fat-busting laser revolutionises treatment for acne and cellulite

By Sam Lister
A technique developed by American scientists could lead to fat-related conditions, including arterial heart disease, being melted away by high-intensity beams

ACNE, cellulite and excess fat zapped with the flick of a switch? It may sound like the sci-fi dream of teenagers and the middle-aged, but scientists have developed a laser technique that can target and melt fat under the skin.

A team of researchers have used a machine called a free-electron laser (FEL), which can produce very specific beams, to heat and break down fat without damaging other body tissue. The breakthrough paves the way for laser use on various fat-related conditions, including lipid build-up linked to arterial heart disease, cellulite and acne.
Read more: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,11069-2127151,00.html
WOW!! Just think......if they make a portable version, we wouldn't need all the help getting the 400lb patient out of the Yugo..........Bwahahaha!! We could just zap them and lift them out...... now they are a slim 145lbs. :)

I had to get a funny one in before TTL did!! :)
Nope, you didn't figure me out yet. For subjects such as thing, only graphics can best explain my thoughts.


(those are fat cells)

We just need one set up like a Ghostbuster's Proton Pack...
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Is that an original creation?
I added a Ghostbuster, the symbol and the fat cells... I doubt anyone else has that posted.

And PA67 has an awesome Ghostbusters fan site... Don't know why, I guess some people just can't let go of the eighties?