Faces behind the post

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me and my partner on Anti bully day

:o .......
I had to post this! This is me in the finish area after my 1/2 marathon. Looks like I could go another 13 miles doesn't it?


Then this is me actually running....I look a little better!

And no I don't normally wear pink and lime green outfits! I forgot a singlet so I had to stop at a store on the way and the only one they had in my size was lime green. I felt like a loser!
And no I don't normally wear pink and lime green outfits! I forgot a singlet so I had to stop at a store on the way and the only one they had in my size was lime green. I felt like a loser!

Psht. Watermelon motif is the new in thing!
add me to the list

The wife and I at City of Rocks Idaho

After a day of climbing at Enchanted Rock, just outside of Fredericksburg, Texas.


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Seperate washes,

reds in one

white in another

How to make sure that you are DEFINITELY NOT CONFUSED FOR COPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:PB)
I'm in the blue jacket holding c-spine.
Who taught (or didn't teach) your driver how to park an ambulance at an accident scene? :unsure:
Who taught (or didn't teach) your driver how to park an ambulance at an accident scene? :unsure:

First-arriving emergency vehicle blocks and protects the accident scene. We were first on scene. PD blocked the other lane off.
First-arriving emergency vehicle blocks and protects the accident scene. We were first on scene. PD blocked the other lane off.
Every scene is different with different concerns to be considered. There is no "always" rule. But it is almost universally accepted within professional EMS that it is very poor form for an ambulance to park behind an MVA. The vehicle that you are going to be caring for your patient in is not a barrier. It is not a fire truck. And the accident itself should be protecting you from traffic as you load your patient. This also keeps idiot cops from parking so close to your back doors that you cannot even load your patient when the time comes. Not to mention that it keeps you from getting blocked into the scene by other responders.
Every scene is different with different concerns to be considered. There is no "always" rule. But it is almost universally accepted within professional EMS that it is very poor form for an ambulance to park behind an MVA. The vehicle that you are going to be caring for your patient in is not a barrier. It is not a fire truck. And the accident itself should be protecting you from traffic as you load your patient. This also keeps idiot cops from parking so close to your back doors that you cannot even load your patient when the time comes. Not to mention that it keeps you from getting blocked into the scene by other responders.

1. There is no "always" rule, but this park job worked in this situation.
2. I don't care what is "universally acceptable". My boss hasn't said anything about it, and nobody else said anything about it, even though it was in the newspaper for all to see. Our supervisor even put it in our service's scrapbook. So I don't really care what you consider bad form unless it happens to agree with what my employer considers bad form.
3. Until we get the patient loaded, and without an FD response, nothing else FOR us to use as a barrier.
4. The accident itself protect us from traffic? You must have never worked in Northeastern Pennsylvania before.
5. Cops parked in front of the accident and controlled traffic in both lanes. See, around here, we have good cops.
6. There were no other responders coming. FD was not even dispatched.
7. Why has everybody on here been taking every opportunity to lecture me or my peers about things that don't matter at any given opportunity and try to turn a light-hearted thread/post into a debate in which they try to tell me to leave EMS?
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That fact that you "don't care" and think it "don't matter" are indicative of the attitude you present here. And that is what earns you a lot of the criticism you receive. If "everybody" is lecturing you, perhaps you should consider that you are the problem, not "everybody" else.
That fact that you "don't care" and think it "don't matter" are indicative of the attitude you present here. And that is what earns you a lot of the criticism you receive. If "everybody" is lecturing you, perhaps you should consider that you are the problem, not "everybody" else.

Meet me in chat or shut up, I won't let you hijack this thread.
1. There is no "always" rule, but this park job worked in this situation. One thing is how close you parked to the MVC!

2. I don't care what is "universally acceptable". My boss hasn't said anything about it, and nobody else said anything about it, even though it was in the newspaper for all to see. Our supervisor even put it in our service's scrapbook. So I don't really care what you consider bad form unless it happens to agree with what my employer considers bad form. Maybe your supervisor has no clue what they are doing? Just because they are supervisors, do not mean they received the job on qualifications!

3. Until we get the patient loaded, and without an FD response, nothing else FOR us to use as a barrier. Two words, Police cars?

4. The accident itself protect us from traffic? You must have never worked in Northeastern Pennsylvania before. What does working in NE PA have anything to do with it? Do you think that PA is in someway different from the rest of the country?

5. Cops parked in front of the accident and controlled traffic in both lanes. See, around here, we have good cops. Why are they parking in front of an MVC? They should have been parked behind it, to block the lanes!

6. There were no other responders coming. FD was not even dispatched. Then think scene safety. What happens when a car plows into the back of your unit, while loading the pt?

7. Why has everybody on here been taking every opportunity to lecture me or my peers about things that don't matter at any given opportunity and try to turn a light-hearted thread/post into a debate in which they try to tell me to leave EMS? No one is telling you to leave EMS. You are new and young and the only way to learn something new is by people pointing it out! You take offense to everything that is pointed out to you. You state that experience means nothing. You state you "don't care". These are signs of someone that knows it all and is unwilling to learn. That is not what is needed in EMS

Do not take everything personally, learn something new from what people say!
This is not a freaking place to play paragod!!!

Some more of meee:

(NO THIS IS NOT IN MY ROOM! It was at my friends house!!!)


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I think what Exodus is trying to say in not so many words, is this thread is for photo's, not debates....
maybe start a new thread about parking at the scene, somewhere else?
Although I think the horse has been thrashed on that topic before...lol!

P.S. If I can work out how to post a photo, I will at some stage and you can all have a laugh!;)

Cheers Enjoynz
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I think what Exodus is trying to say in not some many words, is this thread is for photo's, not debates....
maybe start a new thread about parking at the scene, somewhere else?
Although I think the horse has been thrashed on that topic before...lol!

P.S. If I can work out how to post a photo, I will at some stage and you can all have a laugh!;)

Cheers Enjoynz

Go to http://imageshack.us/ and click browse, then choose the picture you want to post, select it and press OK. Then click upload. After that, it will give you a "direct link to image" copy and paste that link in-between the [img*][/img] tags (take the * out)

Here's me holding my service ID. I've been told I look like I'm ready to shoot someone instead of helping them. What do you think.

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