Ever dropped a patient?

I had two co-workers who dropped a guy while the local TV station had a closeup on them. Somehow he was in an excavation and they had him on the ambulance litter and were trying to lift it out of the hole. Very embarrassing. BTW the pt was fine, no additional injuries, or at least not attributable to them after his accident in the first place.:cool:
I have been very lucky because I have never dropped a patient.

To the OP, what kind of cot was your patient on?
I dropped someone and they got hurt pretty bad.

I have dropped a patient and it went probably as bad as get good get, lawyers got involved, depositions, litigation the whole nine, it was a terrible time but I survived.
Came REAL close Sat morning.
PT was in basement after falling down stairs.
We had him backboarded, my Medic had the head, I had the feet. We started up the stairs, me lifting the feet about shoulder height to try to keep PT level.
Medic caught his boot heel on the step going up and stumbled, but held on. This hesitation caused me to come slightly off balance, and started tipping backwards.
All of a sudden I feel two hands on my back stopping me from falling.
The Police officer who first responded to the call was right behind me.
As we continued up the steps I uttered "Thanks man, you saved my butt there."
All I could picture was me falling and bringing the PT down with me, and my medic coming down on top of him, and all of us ending at the bottom of the steps.