Evacuating New Orleans to Houston


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They are evacuating 23,000 residents from New Orleans to Houston, TX... from the super dome to the astro dome... by bus.
They'd better get to work then, its going to take at 2-3 days to get everyone to Houtson and accounted for. BTW, whats the deal with NFL stadiums anyways, its not like the roof is gonna give away, lol. :P :D

When are the other counties going to start sending the US money?

They were so hard on us (no pun) for sending money to the Tsunami islands, well, I think this could be more devestating for our national economy. They should send us money. If anything, we could use it to buy a new President.
I cant believe Pres. Bush said everything was saying that everything was going to be OK, well guess what Bush, we have bodies floating down Bourbon St, people are without homes and there is an imminent threat of disease.

Kids are without healthcare, its practically a 3rd country down there. It will take years to recover from this disaster and thank god he cant be re-elected.

They should send Rudy G. from NYC down there. He did such a good job after 9/11, he may be able to do some good.
What about a benefit concert by rock bands?? (Live Aid - call in donate money to the cause)

I would just park my vehicle next door to the EMS station and put out a big banner that says : American Red Cross Donations Taken Here, then at the end of the day take it to the local ARC office......... just a thought............... :unsure:

Tsk, Tsk......Yes, this is all of the President's fault. He caused the hurricane and he caused all of the mayhem and suffering. I didn't know he had that much power....
ya think if I ask him nicely, he'll make it sunny in a few weeks for when I have to travel to Amarillo?? <_<
Im not saying the hurricane was his fault, its not, but his reaction to it in my opinion was poor. I dont think hes fit to be president, I think hes fit to sit at home on his ranch in Texas. What is sad is the fact he waited until the LA Gov made not one but TWO statements before he gave thought to making a statement to the nation.

Yeah our gov't is going to be cash strapped for years to come, we can expect prices to surge, and we will learn to make do with what we have just as our parents did 20 years ago.

I watched the news earlier and certain people were actually blaming him for producing the hurricane. Somewhat comical....and sad.
I asked the same question TTLWHKR did....how many countries do you think will come to our aid?? I heard of one so far that has blamed the US. <_<
Originally posted by Cap'nPanic@Aug 31 2005, 06:24 PM
What about a benefit concert by rock bands?? (Live Aid - call in donate money to the cause)

I would just park my vehicle next door to the EMS station and put out a big banner that says : American Red Cross Donations Taken Here, then at the end of the day take it to the local ARC office......... just a thought............... :unsure:

Talk to the Red Cross before you do this. I'm sure they will be okay, but they need to know about it. That way if anyone calls and asks if you are legit they will be able to give a good answer.
Kinda a crappy way to look at it.. but I am donating quite a bit with the surge in gas prices since Katrina made landfall.

My uncle has been in Tx since it hit.. he LIVED in biloxi, and finally went back today to go back to the base he is stationed at to see what he can do to offer any help.
Originally posted by Cap'nPanic@Aug 31 2005, 06:24 PM
What about a benefit concert by rock bands?? (Live Aid - call in donate money to the cause)

I would just park my vehicle next door to the EMS station and put out a big banner that says : American Red Cross Donations Taken Here, then at the end of the day take it to the local ARC office......... just a thought............... :unsure:

NBC's doing that.... saw the ad this morning...
It looks as if I'm going to be working double shifts... covering the open spot from an officer who is "MIA" and another spot for our reservist who leaves tomorrow evening.
