Considering that the paramedic scope of practice is useless for the majority of calls, why not replace paramedics with AEMTs who can admin fentanyl and zofran? (There's no reason an AEMT could not.) And then use paramedics in fly-cars for life-threatening and more acute stuff.
It's funny, but there seems to be a shift in some circles from "we need more paramedics so we can treat life threatening emergencies quicker" to we need "more paramedics so we can treat all pain and nausea".
If you want to justify your existence with comfort care, then be willing to give up the meat of your scope of practice. Sure, comfort care is important (and I'm not saying it should not be done) but it does NOT require the caregiver to be able to intubate, cardiovert, cric, needle decompress, pace, give antiarrhytmics, etc., etc. Ultimately, pain and nausea does not justify the costs associated with a paramedic's scope of practice.
It's funny, but there seems to be a shift in some circles from "we need more paramedics so we can treat life threatening emergencies quicker" to we need "more paramedics so we can treat all pain and nausea".
If you want to justify your existence with comfort care, then be willing to give up the meat of your scope of practice. Sure, comfort care is important (and I'm not saying it should not be done) but it does NOT require the caregiver to be able to intubate, cardiovert, cric, needle decompress, pace, give antiarrhytmics, etc., etc. Ultimately, pain and nausea does not justify the costs associated with a paramedic's scope of practice.