Essential BLS Equipment/Gear

Dump the latex gloves immediately. I've seen someone have a horrific reaction to them. I don't remember who said they had them.

Using your hand on an open wound with a latex glove. Inserting an airway with a latex glove. Patients with allergies to latex, would be a bad deal.
I have developed an allergy to latex just from repeated use. It just makes me itchy but some people have worse symptoms. When I insert an airway I have my fingers in their mouth and I don't need someones tongue or mouth swelling
Oh and to answer the op.

I carry a pen light, a few nitryl gloves, a master cardiology (hearing issues) , shears, tape, alcohol wipes, a pocket mask that can connect to a bvm with an o2 port, note pad, pens, extra watch in case mine falls off or breaks and a few bucks for food. And of course my pager.
It all fits nice in my vest
The alcohol wipes are self packaged and so I can wipe off my stethoscope or areas of blood spatter on my stuff if I need to fast. I have the large ones.
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It all fits nice in my vest....

You have a vest?
I want a vest!

OP- good advise from these folks.
Personally: pocket full of nitrile gloves, penlight, shears, and a pen and notecards.
Stethoscope close by as well.
You have a vest?
I want a vest!

OP- good advise from these folks.
Personally: pocket full of nitrile gloves, penlight, shears, and a pen and notecards.
Stethoscope close by as well.

I do. Its nice to have it all stocked and ready
Dragon proof?!
I want this one. Strictly BLS of course
