emtb.com - good practice?


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hi forum,

I've been taking the practice quizzes (both assessment and anatomy) on emtb.com. For those that have taken the NR, did you find this site helpful? Are the quiz questions a good indication to what's on the test??

anything and verything scenario based...honestly though id just go through the book and make sure you know everything...those questions are fine and dandy but if you dont know whats going on....its useless information.

Whens your test?
Thanks Angel. I've been reviewing the book like mad and taking lots of practice exams. I feel pretty good.....like I know what to do and why to do it. I think that's key. I'm just a little gun-shy b/c I didn't pass the first time
you should do fine...just make sure to pay attention to those little things too, i figured things like treatment of hypo and hyperthermic patients would be kind of common sense but its quite the opposite.
think active and passive re-warming
which patient would you treat first, one thats shaking or one that isnt?
I too took those practice tests on emtb and thought they were a bit too easy. I've since taken a few module exams in class and they did prove to be much harder. Nothing to worry about, just use them as an additional study aid and not a benchmark for how well you know the material. They can make you overconfident.
Thanks Angel. I've been reviewing the book like mad and taking lots of practice exams. I feel pretty good.....like I know what to do and why to do it. I think that's key. I'm just a little gun-shy b/c I didn't pass the first time

For the last 14 years I have been writing study software to help EMT students pass their State and National Registry exams, and what I have found is that students get too hung up on the scenario based questions.

It has been our experience that if you really know the core information that is presented in class and in your textbook, you can handle any scenario based question.

In reality, when you are in the field, this is what will ultimately face you. It will be your core knowledge, coupled with experience that will make you a great EMT. It is far better to learn the material than to try to become a clever test taker.

Study software can help you measure how much of this information has sunk in. It can also help you understand what areas you are weak in. This can boost your confidence. A higher confidence level can help you relax more on the day of the big test. If you are more relaxed, your brain will work better and you will score higher. Good luck to you. :-)