EMT Training in Ontario will it be sufficient for Alberta?


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I am planing on taking my EMT training in Ontario and I was wondering if the training would be sufficient to become an EMT in Alberta?
The training should be pretty much the same. I'm not sure how Ontario is governed but here in Alberta, we have to become certified with the governing provincial body. The Alberta College of Paramedics does all of that stuff. You have to register with them by writing their test. They have a bunch of prerequisites so if I were you I would check out their website. www.collegeofparamedics.org. Maybe send them an email and check out what you can do to prepare for the test or what have you.
I am planing on taking my EMT training in Ontario and I was wondering if the training would be sufficient to become an EMT in Alberta?
Not to be too anal, but we don't have EMTs in Ontario. It is usually best to train where you want to work. Yes, it is probably possible to do your PCP in Ontario then go to Alberta to work, but it would much much easier just to begin in Alberta. The ACoP doesn't seem to like outsiders much...
yeah I figured out that the EMT training that was being offered in Toronto is for use in the US, and does not comply with Alberta standards. I have decided to go to Calgary and take my initial EMR training there and upgrade to EMT after I have a bit of on the job experience to back up my training.
The ACoP doesn't seem to like outsiders much...

They like to say that we have the broadest scope of practice for PCPs/EMTs in AB. The only other PCP/EMT I know well lives in BC, and their scope is quite different. They can't even use an NPA - we did NPAs as EMRs, and now as EMTs we also have Combitubes, LMAs, and Kings in addition to the OPAs that we both have in our scope; we can do external jugular IVs, they can't. I don't think there's anything they can do that we can't, save for some differences in drugs (they have Narcan and Benadryl in their scope, we have Ipratropium Bromide, and our dextrose solution for diabetics is 50%, while theirs is 5%, I think). They don't have ECG monitors on their cars, while we do 4 leads and are taught 12s just so we can set it up for our ACPs/paramedics and the hospital staff....

Anyone care to comment on scopes of practice in other provinces? I'm curious how much truth there is to the "Alberta is the most advanced" statement...
They like to say that we have the broadest scope of practice for PCPs/EMTs in AB. The only other PCP/EMT I know well lives in BC, and their scope is quite different. They can't even use an NPA - we did NPAs as EMRs, and now as EMTs we also have Combitubes, LMAs, and Kings in addition to the OPAs that we both have in our scope; we can do external jugular IVs, they can't. I don't think there's anything they can do that we can't, save for some differences in drugs (they have Narcan and Benadryl in their scope, we have Ipratropium Bromide, and our dextrose solution for diabetics is 50%, while theirs is 5%, I think). They don't have ECG monitors on their cars, while we do 4 leads and are taught 12s just so we can set it up for our ACPs/paramedics and the hospital staff....

Anyone care to comment on scopes of practice in other provinces? I'm curious how much truth there is to the "Alberta is the most advanced" statement...

This is why I am moving to either Calgary or Edmonton. BCs PCP-IV program really sucks a lot. They got nothing. Basic drugs, only OPAs for airway control, AEDs. Just bad bad bad.