Emt schools in Miami FL


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Hi I'm new to the site and have done a couple searches and I've got mixed reviews that are old and looking for some new ones. I want to start emt school, and I been trying to see what's a good school to goto. I have an appointment with fmti to check the school out and all. I've also seen broward fire academy, and Coral Springs fire academy, and of course the cc's in my area. Only reason I don't want to goto one of the cc's is that I don't want to do the regular classes they make you do before doing emt. The others you jump right into it. I'm going to check out bfa cause they have an academy starting in October. Any info will help,

Thanks Chris
What's wrong with some prerequisite classes? Surely, having a stronger background in biology, chemistry, math, anatomy and physiology, and English composition would benefit you as an EMS provider, right?

Quick classes produce quick medics. While I already had a college education before I got into EMS, I do regret doing a quick EMT and medic curriculum. Most of my "education" in EMS has been largely on my own. I'm hoping my patients haven't suffered as a result.
Just because I rather go and study emt instead of doing the same thing I was doing in high school.
I'm not sure that sentence made sense. Either way the point Wes is trying to make is that a quick course makes you a cookbook emt or medic, and taking the time will allow you to know what and why you are doing things instead of just following directions.
Maybe I don't understand, but explain to me why math, reading etc will help me be a better emt?
EMT and Paramedic school is teaching you medicine. Medicine is based on science. Mathematics is the "language" of science.

And since a couple of us seem to be having trouble following your thought process, I'd suggest that a good composition course would do wonders for your written communications.
If a community college won't let you take EMT unless you do some prerequisites then it is more then likely due to your poor scores on the TABE or whatever testing they did when you wanted to go.

They do not want you to waste your money taking courses you may not be prepared for with your reading, writing, math, and other skills. EMT, while by know means rocket science, does require a lot of reading and a basic understanding of math and science (mostly A and P and some rudimentary chemistry)

The private schools are motivated by profit and they really don't care if you pass as long as you pay (unless of course you can get them Perkins grant money for being a nontraditional student)

IF the CC wants you to take classes to prepare for a certificate program you would do well to listen to them.

Good luck!
Thanks pavehawk. I have yet to go and take the CPT that the college makes you take. And broward fire academy makes you take a tabe test, which I will be taking in a week or so or when ever my next day off is.
I took the EMT-B course through Ivy Tech Community College (Indiana) and I'm pretty sure there were no pre-reqs for taking just the EMT course.

Nevermind.. I stand corrected. I went to the school's website and looked it up and yes they do have ASSET or COMPASS testing. I think I was allowed to skip that because I already had over 2 full year's worth of college classes completed when I took the class.
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I went to FMTI, graduated in January this year basically I decided on it because it was close to my home, no entrance exams like mdc, and did all the paperwork in 20 days before the classes started. I passed the NREMT test at the first try three months after. They have great instructors all medic/fire fighters.