The vast "majority" of folks who do well in Medic class were Basics first. Even 6 months does a lot when it comes to putting it all together, differentials / critical thinking. Hands down, those with some time on the road do better in the critical thinking department.
I will say, an inexperienced EMT with a decent understanding of A/P usually does well in didactic work but, lacks a little in skills (including critical thinking) department compared to experienced Basic EMT's. If I had a choice between those with AP and no experience and those with experience and no A/'s a toss up! Which group "gets it" easier?? Probably the former but, it depends on the instructor too. All that crap and it gets down to instruction....ghads.
I will say, an inexperienced EMT with a decent understanding of A/P usually does well in didactic work but, lacks a little in skills (including critical thinking) department compared to experienced Basic EMT's. If I had a choice between those with AP and no experience and those with experience and no A/'s a toss up! Which group "gets it" easier?? Probably the former but, it depends on the instructor too. All that crap and it gets down to instruction....ghads.