EMT Employment overseas


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Hello Everyone,

I'm now to this forum, I've been an EMT in Alberta Canada just for a few months, and I have always wanted to work overseas, specifically Thailand. Does anyone know of a program or site that has volunteer or careers for EMT's to work abroad?

I've searched around and found positions in Saudi, just wondering if there was a program in place or a certain site that would help me out. I understand almost all EMS in Thailand is volunteer, but would be open to anything in healthcare which my credentials would qualify me for.

Also if anyone has experience with volunteering or working overseas any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for the help!
There was a job posting for a Paramedic with degree in Bangkok a few months back on EMS1.com or JEMS to manage some kind of EMS operation. It may have been these guys https://www.globalrescue.com/ I can not remember Someone speaks about in another forum here http://www.closeprotectionworld.com...medic-senior-specialist-bangkok-thailand.html

As of right now the only place hiring EMT's overseas that I am aware of is CHS (check employment section of the forum) for Camp Latherneck in Afghan. Every other overseas job I know of is for Paramedics with 2+ years experiences.
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