EMT City


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I went to emt city for the first time today. It seems like everybody is on there too! Whats it like? Which site are you more active on?
I'm over there too... but i don't mind it here... i find the forum here more user friendly. B)
Some were fed up with the mods enforcing the rules and made it a point to take their "business" elsewhere for a while. Some take internet forums way too seriously sometimes and need to get out and live life a little more.

If you've read the thread about the forum responding slowly for some who show defiance towards the mods, you'll see what I mean. Many make internet forums out to be way more than it really is - something to do when you're bored, to kill a little time, maybe learn a thing or two if you want, or just shoot the bull with those in the industry.

Having town hall meetings, thumbing one's nose at mods through their signature, transiently boycotting the site, it's all corny nonsense as far as I'm concerned. Just like the reputation meter at emtcity. I could post 100 times a day plugging education and advocating the separation of fire and EMS so on and so forth and have like +200 points if I wanted. Maybe not now, but rather if I started that way.
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Some were fed up with the mods enforcing the rules and made it a point to take their "business" elsewhere for a while. Some take internet forums way too seriously sometimes and need to get out and live life a little more.

If you've read the thread about the forum responding slowly for some who show defiance towards the mods, you'll see what I mean. Many make internet forums out to be way more than it really is - something to do when you're bored, to kill a little time, maybe learn a thing or two if you want, or just shoot the bull with those in the industry.

Having town hall meetings, thumbing one's nose at mods through their signature, transiently boycotting the site, it's all corny nonsense as far as I'm concerned. Just like the reputation meter at emtcity. I could post 100 times a day plugging education and advocating the separation of fire and EMS so on and so forth and have like +200 points if I wanted. Maybe not now, but rather if I started that way.

Yes... I have noticed this as well.

I will say that since this is home to "medical professionals", many act that way.... Others tend to "troll" or "protest" or "condescend". Personally.... its a forum and it should be treated as... just that -- a Forum.

I personally have been involved in other forums involving cars and the such and the "personal attacks" that some members were tolerated, with little to no moderator influence. It turned into a racist, basing fest with no real reason to even post anymore.

The bashing that goes on here is way more tollerable, but I think that everyone here has a bit of an ego problem and therefore the moderators do what they see fit to control the anger, bashing, and trolling.

I think the mods here do a great job and that this forum can be very useful if utilized correctly.

So here's to you mods! :beerchug: You're doing a good job at monitoring and keeping EMTlife.com a good clean forum for everyone!
Sure do not want to hurt anyones feelings!
I actually find both forums very similar. Indeed there are many users who post on both forums, either by using the same user name, or not.

Same discussions, same arguments, same occasional ego issues, same type of moderation.

I don't really have an issue with either forum. I have learned some useful stuff from both, but as already mentioned, there is a big world outside of the www.
I actually find both forums very similar. Indeed there are many users who post on both forums, either by using the same user name, or not.

Same discussions, same arguments, same occasional ego issues, same type of moderation.

I don't really have an issue with either forum. I have learned some useful stuff from both, but as already mentioned, there is a big world outside of the www.

I actually find EMTCity a little too undermoderated (Sorry AK!) Too many off topic postings, and they are completely a different off topic than the "What jump bag should I get?" etc. A majority of their posts have nothing what so ever to do with health care, but they also occasionally have a few good threads. Dr. Bledsoe also posts over there on occasion.
I just checked it out. I like the feel, look, and user friendly features of this forum better. Also I think the rep points thing on that forum is kind of silly. The whole website is way to busy for me. There International section makes you post topics in one of 3 country sections.

Either way, different strokes for different folks. I might pop my head in there from time to time to at least browse.
The whole website is way to busy for me.

I have to agree. I like the formatting of this site and the lack of ads. I glance through every once in a while, but like Sasha said, sometimes I forget I am even on an EMS site. Their are some good original discussions though.