EMT-B's that pass the test amaze me..

Agreed. Our service has a field training program for all new members. We use it as a way to mentor and help probationary members improve their skills. The one thing we don't want to lose sight of is that we have all been new, lacked some confidence or needed a helping hand. The bottom line is, our service wants to create an environment that makes it okay to admit you need help, then offer that help. Part of the manual we give to new members offers tips for success:

"Good EMTs aren’t afraid to jump right in, yet they also know how to work effectively with their teammates and know how they fit in with the flow of a call. They are confident in their decisions yet ask others for help if they want other opinions during a complicated incident, aren’t able to hear lung sounds, can’t obtain a blood pressure, have difficulty evaluating mental status, or are simply unsure of something they’re hearing or seeing."

We've got Intermediates and medics who ask basics to double check their lung sounds and vitals. It's all part of creating a team atmosphere and letting each other know none of us are above needing a hand every now and then.

POST OF THE DAY!!!! If not the year. I love a "team" atmosphere where medics, intermediates, and basics and everyone above and below those levels work for a common goal. That's exactly the kind of place I'd want to work and more importantly, that's the kind of place I'd want working on my loved one.

Excellent post, Elk Oil. (clap, clap, clap) :)
I feel your pain, not everyone is created equal. We understand this crazy new concept you bring to the table. There are people that preform sub par in every profession from a janitor to.... the president! Complaining about a few EMTs does nothing.... I mean really, what are we trying to accomplish or is this just to bash a few people that will never read this thread since as you said they do little to no outside learning

After sitting in the background as an occasional visitor to this website, this made me join.