EMT-B renewal / recert


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Hey guys,

I'm trying to renew an expired EMT license. Do I need to take the full exam path over again? Here's the abridged version

Got NR-EMT certified summer 2005
Certified EMT in CT from 06-08.
Let my EMT expire... pretty short sighted, actually :-\
Now have residence in Austin, TX...

Any ideas? Is there a way to renew NR-EMT so I can transfer an expired license. What pathway should I take here? I have a month coming up 12/16-1/16 in new england - perhaps I could take a full intensive NR-EMT course during that period...

Thanks guys - navigating this information is quite difficult...
I guess my other question is - for NREMT can I just take a refresher and retake NR-EMT exam?
I guess my other question is - for NREMT can I just take a refresher and retake NR-EMT exam?

For NREMT, if you do recert by exam it takes the place of both the 24 hour refresher (class 1 CMEs) and the 48 hour additional CMEs (class 2 CMEs).
You most likely will have to take the whole EMT class over. If all of your certifications are expired theres not a whole lot you can due to recertify. NREMT has a 2 year expiration and diffrent states are diffrent as far as certification expirations. In all honesty though your best bet is to just call your state EMS office and ask but it sounds like u may be to late.
I'm in pa and was expired for 7 years. All I had to do was take my con ed. I don't agree with this being the only requirement. I took my EMT class in 1996-97, and alot of stuff has changed. I'd recommend if it's been a while to at least take the refresher, if not the whole class