EMT-B Interview tomorrow!


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So tomorrow I have my first interview for an EMT-B position! I am beyond excited and just wanted to see if anybody would be willing to give me some input on what to expect... I have heard that most places have you do a "skills test". I am a newly certified EMT and haven't worked as one yet, I have worked in the animal medical field for the past 5 years so I have some kind of patient care, mine were just... furrier... and had much sharper teeth and claws. Anyways, any information would be wonderful! Thank you!! ^_^
Make sure you know how to do a PCR using SOAP. My last job they gave me scenario on paper and wanted to see how well I can write one.
Oh man, we didn't get much training on those :/ Thank you for the heads up! I will start reviewing that right away :)
Def important but not all medical jobs do that. I just know this ambulance company did
it Is a format for writing a report. soap subjetive - what your told objective - what you see measure
a - assessment p - plan. what you plan to do. order of events (on scene called for als assessment o2... yadda yadda yadda