EMT-B companies closest to the Boston area to apply to?


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Sorry if this is a redundant post but I haven't found much info about this. I have just been certified as an EMT-B after taking the course at Boston EMS. Could someone recommend a few places for me to apply that are closest to the Boston area? Boston EMS hired this past February so they will not be hiring again for awhile, so it would be great to get some experience and then apply for them the next time around.

Also, I have heard that it is best to walk in your application instead of email/fax/online, but the ambulance services that I have called say to fill out the online application first. Should I just apply in person anyways?

Here's my list of places I wish to apply. Any add-ons would be appreciated.

Brewster Ambulance is located in Boston
Alert Ambulance is a small one I see sitting outside of the Faulkner quite a bit.

Other than that it seems like you have the major ones down.

It never hurts to walk in with your application. When I applied in person at Armstrong, I got interviewed on the spot. It makes a good impression and makes you seem like you really want it.

Good luck. Remember, even if it seems to take a long time at first, eventually you'll find a job.
Add McCall onto that list. They don't have a website, and you'll have to apply in person (100 Gibson Street Dorchester) but they are hiring.
I realize this thread is a little old and hopefully you have found somewhere by now, but there is also ProEMS in Cambridge. Note that McCall does not currently have any 911 contracts, except with nursing homes. I believe that might change in the future.