There is no section for a narrative.
What would go in a narrative is broken up through multiple pages and fields. When switching from paper to EMS charts you must change the way you think about documenting. If you simply enter demographics, EMScharts will generate a chart for a healthy normal individual with no problems, you then include the abnormalities. In the past you most likely charted by exclusion, ie "patient had no LOC, no DCAPBTLS, no airway issues, ect"
In EMScharts you add if there was issues
Page 2
Chief complaint is a character restricted field, only a few words, so you'd put something like "Pain" or "altered mentation" or "change in responiveness"
Seconday Complaint is the same, so like "weakness"
HPI is everything that happened prior to your arrival, so for a call for tachycardia "Pt was lying in bed at our arrival. PD Officer had provided O2 via NRB. Pt. complained of severe headache, racing heart, and general weakness. She had been treated at hospital 5 days previous for these symptoms. The medications she has been taking for 5 days have not diminished the symptoms. "
page 3,4,5 are your findings for the physical assessment and are pretty self explanatory
page 8, the activity log is what you did to the patient, so it could be as simple as "Patient moved to cot, secured x3, placed in ambulance" if you administer medication (oxygen is a medication) splint, SMR you use the drop down menu and fill in the fields
Any questions about EMScharts, feel free to PM me