EMS Today 2011; Anyone going?

wish they had a west coast version
Unfortunately, I will be at a Trauma & Critical Care Symposium that week.
considered a clinical!

Mandatory attendance at the exhibit hall at least 1 day..

went last year, don't expect to see too many changes in the vendors. Any cool new products out there>
I'll be there. Heading over on the 25th and will arrive in Baltimore on the 28th. Looking forward to the trip enormously!
New products? Who knows. Always something.

And Stew - Thats a LONG flight. I think you'll win the award for longest distance traveled!
to go or not to go... that is the question
And Stew - Thats a LONG flight. I think you'll win the award for longest distance traveled!
Jon there's a decent group of medics from my service heading over. Stopping off on the West Coast for a few days first to catch up with mates.

Really looking forward to the conference.
Would love to sit and discuss the difference between our systems.
Chimpie will not be attending EMS Today 2011. :(
Alright - Who's here? Who wants to meet up? PM me, or look for the big goofy looking guy trying to not look like a whacker.


~Thread stuck to top until end of conference. Because I'm a Mod and can do that stuff~ :D
Alright - Who's here? Who wants to meet up? PM me, or look for the big goofy looking guy trying to not look like a whacker.


~Thread stuck to top until end of conference. Because I'm a Mod and can do that stuff~ :D

DOH! I just read your post today, a bit to late. I was there and so to many goofy looking people to point you out... The fact that you didnt llok like a whacker may have significantly narrowed you down though! ;)

DOH! I just read your post today, a bit to late. I was there and so to many goofy looking people to point you out... The fact that you didnt llok like a whacker may have significantly narrowed you down though! ;)


Yeah... I love seeing folks wearing squad jackets from New York and carrying radios... Really?