EMS Student


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I've been taking EMT-B classes and my clinicals will start in a couple of weeks. I've done pretty good on my tests (about a 94 average) but must say that I am scared to death when it comes to putting all of this in practice with experienced people.

I guess I'm looking for some experiences with others in my position. Did it all go well with your ambulance and ER clinicals?
Look at it this way... there's not much you can do as an EMT, and even less as a student, that can kill your patient.

I understand being nervous, we all were when we first started clinicals for EMT, but the sooner you realize that you probably won't hurt your patient, and if you're with a good crew, they won't let you... the sooner you'll start gaining confidence and having fun.

Just be open to learning, and be willing to help and admit you don't know crap, and you'll do fine :)
Its not as bad as you think. I didnt even get to do ambulance hours in my EMT class, i just did clinical hours in triage. But either way, if you know your stuff you should be fine.
I never had to do any clinical hours and I did fine. As an EMT-B it's not like you can do a lot to begin with
Well thanks for confirming how useless I will be anyway ... <_<

But I understand what you are saying. I will basically be an observer during my clinicals.

Thanks. This forum has a lot of great info and stories of experience and I am really liking it. :)
Hey there are some things basics are good for, don't get too discouraged.
Not at all. This is just a stepping stone to paramedic for me. :) The EMT-B experience will be great along the way.
Vitals vitals vitals vitals vitals. Bring your ears. On my basic clinicals thats all I did. I also had an ECG class under my belt so I attached those as well, but that was about it. The more knowledgeable you are and the more competent you show yourself to be, the more they will let you do.
Hey there are some things basics are good for, don't get too discouraged.

Exactly. Not saying Basics are useless, just not particularly deadly.

Just do what's expected of you and you'll be a step ahead of most people. :)
Please get this...

Learning to be an EMT is NOT a stepping stone.

It is a building block that, if approached properly will act as a very strong foundation for not only your future but for the future of your future patients as well.

This is not casual. If you take it to be and become a paramedic you're going to be out there forgetting the basics and stumbling over your own calls.


And learn to connect with every patient you are around now while you have the free space. Once you're a paramedic everything and everyone will make you think it pays to be a Flesh Mechanic. It doesn't...not for your patients, anyway.
Thanks, firetender. I'm pretty psyched about the EMT-B for now. I'm hoping that won't change when I do get out in the field. I have a really great enthusiastic teacher who has taught me well so far.
Well thanks for confirming how useless I will be anyway ... <_<

But I understand what you are saying. I will basically be an observer during my clinicals.

Thanks. This forum has a lot of great info and stories of experience and I am really liking it. :)

I'm also a student who will be starting clinicals shortly. There is one thing to never forget. We will NEVER be as useless as Police. They're good for two things. Road Blocks and Canaries. If the canary doesn't pass the fume test, then we don't go in.