EMS Self-Defense Instructor Course


Kip Teitsort, Founder
Reaction score
DT4EMS’ EVE Instructor Course
December 3-7, 2012
Branson Fire Department
Station #1
Branson, Missouri

The DT4EMS/ EVE Instructor Course is a “Doctor Approved”, medically directed 40-hour course. It is both physically and mentally demanding. We strongly suggest candidates evaluate their physical limitations prior to attending the course.

The first two days of the course will be a DT4EMS-1 (E.V.E.) Course modeled by the EVENT (EVE National Trainers). These 16 hours may be a review for those who have attended the course in the past. The third day is “how” to teach Escaping Violent Encounters (E.V.E.). The last two days are all student teaching. In our experience this gives the instructor candidate the tools necessary to prepare for teaching E.V.E. at their agency.

Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, all candidates are considered Tier 3 and allowed to teach at their agency only.
Upon successful completion of the DT4EMS Instructor Course the candidate will be able to teach at his/her agency. The candidate is not an employee of DT4EMS L.L.C.

So there is no confusion please understand that all courses must be approved by DT4EMS L.L.C. Each participant in an approved course must have individual course materials. DT4EMS L.L.C. does not set the fee an agency charges for any of the courses. The cost of materials (Course Review CD, Workbook and Certificate is $25.00). Certificates (electronically completed) may only be obtained from DT4EMS L.L.C. E.V.E. is approved for 16 CEU’s in several states.

It is strongly recommended the candidate review Pre-Course Study Guide here : http://dt4ems.com/forums/index.php?topic=2919.0 Having a basic understanding will help the candidate with their presentations.

There is homework involved. A laptop is truly essential for the class.

If it sounds as though the requirements are tough, well, they are. DT4EMS’ Escaping Violent Encounters Course is designed to help an Fire/EMS or healthcare provider in four main areas. It is preparing the participant for mental, physical, legal and media battles when having to use force in defending themselves.

After successful completion, you would coordinate and train EMS/Fire and health care providers how to escape violent encounters they face in the medical field (while maintaining a professional image).

We don't want bullies or tough guys. We are looking for people to train staff how important their safety truly is. In our www.dt4ems.com/forums you will see news reports of assaults on EMS/Fire and healthcare providers from all over the world. We have articles and videos there as well. It is strongly suggested you become familiar with the info located on the www.dt4ems.com homepage as well as the forums.

The DT4EMS Instructor course is a 40-hour course consisting of the following:

• Setting up the proper learning environment
• Basic lecture skills
• Teaching the skills of DT4EMS
• Recognizing and teaching different types of students
• Safety Concerns/Practices
• Practical Evaluation Skills
• PowerPoint Presentation Skills
• Use of A/V Aids
• History of DT4EMS
• Understanding the need for DT4EMS
• Teaching Assault Response Guidelines
• Documentation Training
• Teaching Survival Mindset
• Setting up and conducting scenario based training
• Proficiency training in the drills and skills taught in a DT4EMS Course.

• Participants will receive a Manual with video CD, PowerPoint Presentation, required course materials (tests, answer sheet, key, eval etc. on DVD) and Certificate upon successful completion.
• When teaching an approved course, each participant in your course must have their own course materials. These materials are purchased from DT4EMS, LLC at a cost of $25.00 per CD. With Each CD, agencies will receive permission to print course workbooks, tests, answer sheets course evals, roster and use DT4EMS,LLC PowerPoint presentations. For liability reasons we do not allow the course materials to be placed in a library setting.

Cost of the course is $499.00 for the complete 40 hour train-the-trainer program.
Complete the registration form and mail with your payment.
103 N. Ingraham
Norwood, MO 65717

You may contact Kip Teitsort at 417-942-4962 or email kip@dt4ems.com if you have any questions.
NOTE: For those attending either the initial or the full instructor course in Branson........ We have a great hotel with a great rate! Ramada Inn, 1700 W HWY 76 417-334-1000. Veronica is our contact. Room rate is $39.95 +tax which is around $45.00. This includes a full hot breakfast. Rooms are blocked under "DT4EMS"
DISCOUNT for EMTLife members!

When you sign up, let me know you are an EMTLife member and you will get a $50.00 discount off your registration to the instructor course, or $20.00 off the "Initial" course if you just stay for the first 16 hours.
Next Instructor Course is February 25-March 1, 2013. It will be in Branson as well.

We will also be having an EVE-Initial and an EVE-Advanced that same week. We will have some of our top instructors from across the country in helping teach this one.
You should come out to San Diego and teach the course. Firehouse convention is Feb 17.:ph34r: