EMS Mommies w/small children...


Forum Ride Along
I'm a single mom, and i know im not the only one..i know what kind of hours i will work in this profession, so other moms in EMS- tips on how to get into a routine? Im worried about him missing me..


You have my stapler
Not a Mom, but a Dad who's been doing this since long before I had kids. They get used to it. That said, 9's and 12's are easier than 24s. 24 hours shifts can be a pain to find childcare for. Another shift to avoid if possible is the evening 2-10 or 3-11, very little rest, not a lot of time with them, ect. Nights with school aged kids are manageable if you can work it so you can see them in the AM when you get off, go home and sleep and them get up to see them after school.

Unfortunately, medicine period is tough on family life.


Dances with Patients
I have just settled on the idea that the kids will not have a regular routine. The routine around here is that everything changes pretty often.

I keep a calendar on the fridge for the kids so they can see what "kind" of day is coming up: When hubby and I both work, they go to Grandma's at bedtime, spend the night, the whole following day, and we pick them up in the morning when we get off.

Other times, a babysitter will be here with them when they wake up in the mornings, because we get up to leave so early.

The thing I really focus on is being very intentional with touching, reading with, listening to, and being with the kids when I'm with them.

Sometimes we facetime a couple of times through the day, and they are always allowed to use the sitter's phone and text me. I can usually respond to that in a whole lot of different situations that a phone call is not appropriate.

Even my littlest, the 2 yo, loves texting. She think's it's amazing when she dictates something to her sisters and I reply back with the right answers.

Make sure that he has everything he *needs*, don't stress over stuff he *wants* and make sure that he knows you love him passionately, and nothing can ever change that. That kind of love covers a multitude of issues, and kids are resilient and get used to things pretty quickly.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
I have no kids because I think they're kind of icky what with the boogers and all but the guy I usually partner with tucks his kid in and reads a story to him with face time on his iPhone.


Forum Asst. Chief
Well, I had 3 boys, all grown up now, but I can this, they adapt to changes and thrive well, as long as security and love is present in the home.