EMS Jump Bag Suggestion

firecoins, I'm so sorry...

I don't believe a pulse ox is approved to detect altitude oxygen sat levels in real time.

I am not sure if you can buy a pulse ox without a license etc. I know the results will be worthless if you are stranded on some mountaintop. A satellite phone might be a much better investment, one with GPS that reads in coordinates and not just a little plane on a map.

In USA, epi pens are Rx. Epi inhalers are coming back, but not approved to treat anaphylaxis, which is the least of your worries after a forced landing o crash. Those are burns, bleeding, fractures, and getting rescued.
My jump bag won't jump either...

Hey thanks for all the advice. I ended up buying the 511 Push+R+Pack. =Red man purse... But it has a lot of space and is very well thought out. We use it around the house as the 'big' first aid kit. When we go flying it fits anywhere weighs nothing and is red so it is easy to find. I don't miss my old green Boy Scout bag at all, the quality of this new gear is way better. Here is a pic. Thanks for all the help!
I'd really recommend taking something like a wilderness first aid or wilderness first responder course if you're not an EMT. Knowledge to make gear from your surroundings and how, when, why to use it is much more useful than having a bunch of gear and only sort of knowing how to use it.