EMS in Las Vegas?


Forum Deputy Chief
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Does anyone know who does 911 out there? Is it Fire/Rescue? Is it medic only? And does anyone know of any *good* medic schools out there? I may have a location change soon.

Does anyone know who does 911 out there? Is it Fire/Rescue? Is it medic only? And does anyone know of any *good* medic schools out there? I may have a location change soon.


We have a dual response, the fire department and a private ambulance company respond to all 911 calls. Clark County FD is only allowed to transport 1000 calls per year, the rest are done by Medic West or AMR.

As for schools, I went to NCTI which I thought was great. I know others that went to the EMS Training Center and they said it was horrible and they like NCTI better. The training center didn't let them actually do stuff, it was all lecture. They said the first time they did stuff was NREMT practical.
I'm assuming you mean Las Vegas NV not NM :P
I'm assuming you mean Las Vegas NV not NM :P

There is a Las Vegas in Nevada? :glare:

Of course THAT ONE!

Who knew NM had their own gambling city of sin. Maybe Obama has been bashing LV, NM.

I know nothing of CSN's program, I am sure it is great. I will however say that the NCTI in Vegas is not a Medic Mill. I have and am still learning alot. We have many instructors, tons of equipment, and the benefit of being tied to an ambulance service. I do give NCTI my endorsement, from other students I know they say it is 10x better than The EMS Training Center. So I guess the moral is to check CSN and NCTI out, just forget the EMS Training Center. Alot of it is also what you take from it and the instructors you get.