EMS books


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speaking of EMS authors peter cannings books paramedic, and rescue 471 were IMO awesome. Paramedic is about is life and development into a medic, while 471 is a bunch of interesting runs from his careers, i'd recommend them to anyone
ndilley said:
speaking of EMS authors peter cannings books paramedic, and rescue 471 were IMO awesome. Paramedic is about is life and development into a medic, while 471 is a bunch of interesting runs from his careers, i'd recommend them to anyone

I've read them both and couldn't agree more!
I read Paramedic 5 years ago... Great book... I've got to read the other one.

Also, he has an intresting blog.

Under must reads, but definitly not for your grandmother, I would put "The House Of God", by Dr Samuel Shem high on the list. It is not an EMS book, but it is something I wish I had real earlier.
It is about an MD going through his internship in an east coast teaching hospital, and is almost too honest when it comes to dealing with people.
The first time I read it, I laughed from beginning to end- it is hysterical!
It is also the origin of the term "Gomer" as well as several others.
I read it when I was working as an EMT, and I really identified with the intern in the book.
The resident on the floor, the "Fat Man" is wonderful, I love his 10 rules for delivery of medical care- all of which every one here will identify with.
(Several are "Age + BUN=Lasix Dose", or "Gomers Go To Ground"- bedrails up or down, gomers go to ground etc)
Highly recommended if you have never read it!