EMS Anger Management Issue

You may just need to sit down and talk to somebody in order to identify the actual problem. Are you in IFT or 911? Is it just the dispatcher that as soon as you hear the voice you know your day is going down hill (I have been there on an IFT truck)? Or is it the actual job. Identify the actual problem and deal with it. The IFT company I used to work for has had to replace several windshields, Drivecams, and other various equipment from other medics and their anger issues. In IFT it is so easy for dispatch to know they are running you too hard and for some dispatchers to decide they dont like a certain crew and let everyone else have a break while you dont even have a chance to breath. 911 not so much, you get what you get. For sure sit down and chat it out with somebody.
Folks, this very well looks like a terrorist incident. He's reported to have shouted out "Alu ackbar" (God is great) before starting shooting:


It's similar to the grenade attack at Camp Pennsylvanie in 2003: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,81898,00.html

At the attack here in Seattle on July 29, 2006: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14082298/

All I will say is that we as a society need to come to accept that we can and will have small-scale terrorist incidents occur within our borders.
Folks, this very well looks like a terrorist incident. He's reported to have shouted out "Alu ackbar" (God is great) before starting shooting:


It's similar to the grenade attack at Camp Pennsylvanie in 2003: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,81898,00.html

At the attack here in Seattle on July 29, 2006: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14082298/

All I will say is that we as a society need to come to accept that we can and will have small-scale terrorist incidents occur within our borders.

Way to post something completely irrelevant to the topic being discussed
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It's relevant in that a prior post in this thread pointed to the Fort Hood incident as being an example of what not do with anger management in EMS.

I disagree on that incident as an example: The Fort Hood Incident has less to do with anger management in EMS than it has to do with the actions of extremists and their compulsive intolerance that leads to violence.

I'm not trying to hijack the thread, I'm just challenging the validity of the Fort Hood incident as being an example similar to EMS anger management.
it was just the most recent of examples. how about virginia tech, or columbine. if you really want to argue my opinions just PM me rather than hijack someone's thread.