elevating feet on suspected spinal injury?

Stopping newbies from slinging on spine boards is like trying to keep thirsty camels from water.
Stopping newbies from slinging on spine boards is like trying to keep thirsty camels from water.

No lie, real narrative from a call I QA'd recently:

Pt fell from standing 4 hours prior 2ndary to ETOH. Ambulatory upon our arrival. Unable to clear C-spine due to ETOH. Manual immobilization maintained, standing takedown performed.​
That maneuver is called "Assault and battery".
That issue is one aspect of why I'm not going to chair my CERT's EMS committee anymore.
I assume the pt did not want to be treated or at least spine boarded as evidenced by being in a standing position?
Or did I miss something? I haven't heads the phrase "standing takedown" for a while now, and I never learned it as an EMTR nor as a RN, etc. IS it making the pt hold still and strapping the board on him/her while still standing?