education before paramedic


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Hello all,

I have a question about education before taking paramedic school.
Here's my situation: I'm 25 y/o working as a FF/EMT within a dept that runs a BLS amb. I've been working full time for about 5 yrs, we get about 2100-911 calls a yr and I've been an EMT for about 7 yrs. I recently finish my AAS in general studies at a local CC. My goal is to now take on medic school. My thought was this coming fall I'd take Human Bio (A&P prereq) and a human diseases class, in the spring I'd take A&P1 and a chemistry class (trying to also finish my fire science degree) and then next fall I'd enroll into a very respected community college medic program.

However, I recently became friends with an instructor at a medic program that is sponsored by a local hospital. This program is also respected and the instructor said I still have time to enroll for this coming fall program (I missed the CC's deadline). the instructor believes that taking the yr of prep classes is a waste since I'd get it in the medic program. The program spends the first two months going 3 days a week going over A&P 1 and 2 with cadaver labs.

I know I have the experience to become a paramedic but should I take the yr of prep classes or just take it and run with it.

Thanks for your input.
I think you sort of answered your own question. I don't think youll find many who would advocate a more well rounded and balanced education that the additional coursework would result in.
I for would advocate for a more well rounded and indepth education that the additional classes would provide.

The information you get in a paramedic course is very basic...and I mean very basic. I took a full length A&P course, Microbiology, chemistry, math as well as the other general ed stuff for an AA before medic school and It really flattened the curb, gave me a strong foundation of existing knowledge with which to associate my new (medic school) learning too, and really taught me how I learned.

Is It necessary? No
Does it make me a better medic? Yes

Why did I do it? Well, I happen to believe that education in EMS is important and paramedic school, just like EMT school, is not education. It's vocational training. To achieve anything more that being or being viewed as vocationally trained skills monkeys, then we"ll have to make the first steps into actual education. I just took the first steps myself.
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Anyone who claims you will get all that prepwork in the class doesn't know what they do not know and grossly over estimates their program.

The coursework, especially gen chem, will make paramedic class easy. Additionally, if you decide you want to pursue other options, like a 4 year degree or other advanced healthcare field, you will be ahead of the game.

Anyone who tells you education is a waste is a moron.
Knowledge is power. Even a little bit extra goes a long way. Especially in the medical world.
My instructors as well told us in Basic class that college pre requisite classes are not needed for medic.. I did have to take an A&P disease prep class before applying for medic. I would just sign up for the fall session if were you,
Thanks for the reply everyone. Gonna do some deep soul searching this wknd lol
I also vote for the college level A&P and chem classes. There were people in my medic program who did not take a full A&P series or chem and struggled mightily. Having a good base knowledge made it oh so easy