I was hoping for some clarification and reasoning behind what exactly an EMT has to report to the police. I'm currently an EMT-Basic student and the teacher was talking about exceptions to HIPAA and things you are required to report, like domestic violence and child abuse. First off, let me say, I wholeheartedly agree with those situations and similar ones. When a question was raised about drug use, the teacher said you should tell the police if there is drug use in someone's residence. Now I don't use drugs, not even OTC for the headache I have right now. I do however have strong views regarding the "War On Drugs". His reasoning is we have to report "crimes". I have a bit of a problem with this. Underage consumption is, by definition, a crime. Am I required to call the cops if I pick up and intoxicated minor. Should they be taken from the hospital to jail? It is up to six months and $1,000 fine where I live. Since their parents will be contacted, isn't it more appropriate to let them decide their own child's punishment instead of allowing the government to overstep it's role and try to micro-manage society? Same with drugs. If I see some paraphernalia sitting out on someone's table and smell marijuana smoke am I required to call the cops because I was witness to a "crime" ? I got into this to respond to medical emergencies, not to become an agent of an unjust war against the citizens of this country, ie the War On Drugs. Won't reporting these things have a negative affect. If you respond to a college dorm to pick up some freshman who has alcohol poisoning and took some pain pills a friend gave them and then call the cops for underage consumption and drugs, won't word spread about that? That DOES NOT mean they won't drink and do drugs in the future. It DOES mean they will be more hesitant to call EMS for help when someone is ill if alcohol or drugs were involved for fear of legal repercussions, and possibly at the cost of life if they wait to long before seeking medical help. This outcome is in direct opposition, in my view, to the charge of EMS. SO, I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on the issue. For a frame of reference I live in Ohio if anyone is familiar with the state laws regarding this matter. Thanks in advance for any responses.