Driving record


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So I'm in the application process hoping to launch an EMS career.

A bit worried about my driving record. I have a fender bender with a "following too close" ticket attached to it. Basically I was drinking coffee during a traffic jam, hit a pothole, spilled it on myself, and bumped into the guy in front of me. I learned that day that traffic jams aren't the best time for coffee.

Other than that I have a clean record and consider myself a good, cautious driver. Will this make me uninsurable?
I doubt it would cause too many issues (if any at all). For my company as long as you have 3 points or under then it's not an issue.
Cool. That ish had me worried. Yea the dude I hit got the police involved. I have no idea why; there was zero damage. He had the cops come to the scene and that's how I got my ticket. I was not happy, to say the least. But I put a smile on my face and behaved well as any decent EMT would do.