Driver's Licenses


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I am a current EMT-B student.

Although I have known how to drive since I was 16, I did not apply for and receive my driver's license until I was 19. My parents were poor and couldn't afford to help me with car insurance. I lived in a small town where I could ride my bike wherever I needed to go, and just really did not feel the need to spend the money on a car and car insurance until I started driving to my college each day.

When I go to apply for jobs, I will have just turned 21 and have only had a driver's license for about 18 months. I am a female Ned Flanders when it comes to driving, and my record is squeaky clean thus far.

How much do you think this will affect me in the job market? I am realistically going for IFT jobs.
Not at all. You're fine. Good luck with the job hunt.
Thank you, STXmedic. :)

I second that. You shouldn't have any problems. You'd even be fine applying with one any one of the few big name companies out there.

How do I know? I was in the exact same situation as yourself.