Does anyone use anything other than Motorola radios and pagers?

The volunteer fire I work with just went to Kenwood and "active911". GPS doesn't work half the time thru the app and for me the location app never has. And a friend who works dispatch constantly tells me a few choice words towards our radios. Motorola all the way!!
Sarasota County uses a Motorola system. When I was with the Red Cross, we went with EF Johnsons because they were a fraction of the price and were set up identical to the Motorolas. They were a little heavier, but the cost savings were well worth it.
We have Harris radios. I've never had any problems.
We're switching from Motorola to kenwood. I don't' know why.
Ken wood in my area is less expensive than Motorola. We use icomm, we don't use pagers for EMS.