I agree wholeheatedly that we need to ditch the squad bench and totally rearrange the interiors of North American ambulances. We need captain's chairs with arms reach access to the monitor, laptop, O2, radio, lights and heat and most commonly used supplies.
Where I run into the type II (whether sprinter or hi-top) is the storage needed for equipment. Even if we start stripping out the redundancy in the cabinets (guaze, umpteenth NRB's and NC's) some of the equipment being added to our vehicles and some of the important but rarely used gear takes up a huge amount of space. CPAP, LUCAS, transport vents, thrombolysis kits (for us a separate kit), sager, KED, pedimate, burn kit, peds supplies, OBS kit, PPE do not need to be in arms reach when the vehicles moving, but will rapidly eat up cubage in a vehicle; and to be safely and ergonomically secured I wonder how workable the type II's will be. I also wonder how much expansion room they'd have for additional equipment.
When they added the in truck chargers for the LP15 batteries to our trucks (large type III's), they had a heck of a time figuring out where to put it and it became a tight squeeze. When they added the LUCAS 2 we thankfully had a large exterior compartment meant for a spare tire that wasn't being used and had a plug for the charger. Health and Safety requires everything to be able to be secured in the vehicle and for our PPE, helmets, vests, and lunches have ended up with their own compartments.
Finally, I'm waiting with baited breath for the Stryker Powerload and similar systems to start hitting their stride in the North American market to see if these systems will work on all types of Ambulances. Injuries related to lifting are still our number one career ender and if the Sprinter won't take the power load system then that's the biggest strike against it for me.
Personally I feel the best option is to take the safety offered by redesigning the interior while keeping the room for expansion and adaptability offered by the larger Type III's. Demers has a good layout for this. Not perfect, but a step in the right direction. Crestline also has one apparently, but I can't find any good photos.
If you look under features you'll see their mobility track system.