DNR Identification

Personally, I would be more inclined to push for ID cards, which can more specifically identify the person it is issued to, as well as the specifics of the medical condition and terms of the DNR order. A small laminated ID card with a neck chain would suit the purpose well. And, being as it would be around the neck, it is much less likely to be overlooked than a bracelet on the wrist.

Excellent idea but not always practical for the confused nursing home or hospital patient who is always taking off their clothes and whatever other accessories. Even when they are not confused it could come off with their clothes unless it was sturdy and short with a strong clasp.
DNR Revolution

Hello Everybody.

The DNR Revolution has taken all your concerns into account.

The main goal of the Revolution is that EMS be able to jointly
use the same bracelet as all health care facilities.

We have thought out every option and pitfall. On the slideshow we specifically point out that colored wristbands are NOT the bracelet we want.
The bracelet must have the patien'ts name on it, it must be waterproof,
and Alzheimer's proof. The bracelet must be soft to prevent skin tears
on elderly patient's. It also needs to be dignified.

What would be very helpful to the DNR Revolution is to post your
suggestions on the DNR Revolution website message boards. What requirements would you like to see for a Bracelet.

The DNR Revolution is a bedside Medical professionals Revolution.
Our slogan is Every Vote will be counted and every voice will be heard.
We mean that. The Revolution is asking for all EMS personnel to join together
and help us come to a solution for the DNR Identification problems that
all we have.

If your state has a system you like get on the message boards
and tell us about it. If your state has a system you don't like.
Please point out the pitfalls so they are not repeated.

The main goal of the Revolution is to bring awareness and solve
this problem. 78 million baby boomers are on there way. We are
not ready. We are asking for everyone's help. Also, and I want to be clear on this, I started the Revolution so all medical professionals will lead the way
on what we need to solve the problems. Right now we have people in high positions making decisions that have never worked a code or had to deal with an hysterical family or encountered the bedside DNR Identification problems
that we all encounter everyday.

The DNR Revolution does not pretend to have all the answers, however
I have provided a website and done the research and proven this is a severe problem. The rest is up to all of us to join together to solve it.

I like your ideas, and admire your goals! I have to admit that, when I first read your post and looked at the website, I was picturing a more traditional, metal "med alert" type of bracelet, and not something more permanent, like you are talking about. It makes much more sense now. Thanks for staying to clarify things with us!